Council’s response to Link Road Consultation

Below is a copy of the letter that the parish council sent to various members of Cheshire East Council in repasonse to the March consultation on the Link Road.

Re – Congleton Link Road Consultation – Local Plan


Eaton Parish Council has viewed and considered the latest proposals for the Congleton Link road, and we would once again like to take the opportunity during this consultation period to reiterate our views regarding mitigation measures that we feel are necessary to reduce the impact of the additional traffic that is forecast to pass through the village as a direct result of the link road.

Whilst we do not have any further comments to make regarding the route of the road, we feel strongly that the benefits of the road to Congleton should not be to the detriment of the surrounding areas, and in particular to the village of Eaton.

In view of this we are writing to you to request your support and help in ensuring that our views detailed below are both considered and incorporated within the planning application for the road.

We have previously discussed the mitigation measures below with Cheshire East Council and have been informed that these will be given serious consideration, and where possible will be included within the planning application for the road.

Having now seen the latest proposals we are extremely disappointed to find that the only mitigating proposal in the plan is for a strategically placed crossing point to assist pedestrians and others to cross the road, whilst an additional proposal put forward by Cheshire East Council to a have “Village Gateway” erected at either side of the village is welcome, we feel that the mitigation measures proposed by Cheshire East Council fall woefully short of what we strongly believe is required.

The following are proposals that we have discussed with Cheshire East Council, which we feel are vital to reduce the impact of the road on our village.


  • Speed limit to be reduced and monitored to 30 MPH through the village and also to be extended to beyond the Bank Lane turning to North Road. This would improve road safety through the village, help to reduce the noise and vibration experienced by residents living close proximity to the road, and provide for residents who directly access their properties via the A536 a safer passage onto and from this road.


  • Road levelling and resurfacing of the A536 through the village with a suitable material to again help reduce tyre noise and vibration. Cheshire East Council have mentioned that the road surface is unsuitable and too noisy for its proximity to residents houses.


  • Safety Islands in the road to allow pedestrians and others to cross safely to facilities on the eastern side of the A536 and Vice Versa.

This is the one element that has now been mentioned but not yet finalised within the plan.


  • A general review of the footpaths throughout the village with a particular view to pedestrian safety where paths are extremely close to the road.


  • We had previously requested noise reduction methods for residents living adjacent to the road. i.e. renewed and improved glazing to homes etc. Following discussions with Cheshire East Council we now accept that this is an issue for the individual residents, and should not form part of the Councils mitigation measures.


  • The existing 100 year culvert that runs under the A536 will be adversely affected by the increased traffic, and comprehensive surveys and repairs should be implemented to ensure the integrity of the culvert.


  • Road widening at Strategic points within the village have been discussed, but again no mention of these are included in the latest proposals.

In our view, the proposed locations for the road to be widened would be in

  • Putty Row Cottages at the Northern end of the village to relieve the

impact of the road on the residents and improve road safety in this area.

  • Southern end of the village opposite the Church to improve visibility and provide additional safety to both local residents, and that of pedestrians and vehicles using the Church and Church Hall.

Visibility is extremely poor at this point on the A536 and the widening of the road would give far safer access to the road from homes and the Church.


Whilst the majority of the proposals detailed above will require further investigation and discussion, it is imperative these are incorporated within the planning application at this stage of the procedure, together with the condition that All mitigation measures must be implemented prior to traffic using the new link road.


Finally we would advise you that we have also held discussions and exchanged correspondence with Cheshire East Council regarding the provision of a Strategic Green Gap to the North of Congleton to protect the village from future development, and we would appreciate your support and assistance in ensuring that this is incorporated within the Cheshire East local plan document to help protect the rural identity of the village of Eaton for future generations.

The Parish council have requested on a number of occasions that a strategic gap from the North of Moss Lane and East of the A34 be incorporated in the Cheshire East local plan document.

This would follow the line of proposed developments detailed in the local plan document, which if approved would include for approx. 300 Homes being built within our Parish Boundary.

As such we feel that the inclusion of this green area is vital to ensure that the urban sprawl from the North of Congleton be halted at these points to maintain the individual identity of our rural community for future generations.

For the reasons stated above, your assistance in ensuring that these comments and proposals are incorporated within both the planning application for the road and the Cheshire East Local Plan would be greatly appreciated.


I look forward to hearing from you on how you can provide us with your help and support in due course, in the meantime if you require any further information, or wish to meet with me please do not hesitate to get in touch directly.


Yours Sincerely


Stephen Waltho


Chairman – Eaton Parish Council